Monday, December 13, 2010

Beach Wedding, Beach House

Determined to be a bit different, Tegan and Youngbum forewent the customary house wedding and reserved Old Pier Beach for their wedding. Classily, they opted for a formal dress code rather than a swimsuit one.

The guests all arrived, and after a few minutes of chit-chat and catching up, they gathered around the happy couple to witness their union.

Good turn-out!

Peter started rocking out on the guitar.

It's not a Sullivan Sims wedding unless someone's in danger of peeing themselves.
Here, Youngbum displays another childish trait by making his hands talk to each other.

Shortly after the knot was tied, Youngbum had to go to work. Tegan headed for their new house, which is really, really close to the beach. It's not as big as Sullivan Manor or the Bergmans' house, but I thought it was cute.

Embarking on the next stage of her life.


  1. Can we do something about my powder-blue tux?

  2. Oh, okay, if you want. But I love it!

  3. Yes, Erin I love my house by the beach! That is great!
