Monday, December 20, 2010


Helena has the Easily Impressed and Friendly traits. I think the Friendly trait makes her more likely to get lonely if left to herself for long periods of time. She can barely get through a night by herself.

Zelda was granted a few days' maternity leave, so the two of them devoted their time helping Helena learn some necessary skills.

They potty-trained her.

I am proud to report that Helena didn't have an accident the whole time. Zelda and Noah were scrupulous about taking her to the potty as soon as she needed to go.

They taught her to talk.

"Repeat after me: 'Music is life.'"

I guess it's never too early for "that" talk.

They taught her to walk.

Noah reads books to her before she goes to sleep. If they read enough, Helena will have a head start on the Painting skill.

Zelda supervised her when she played on her xylophone.

Uh-oh! Do you see what I see? Yup, at some point during the days following Helena's first birthday, Zelda had changed into maternity clothes. And sure enough, a few days later (I played this game one day longer so I could name the baby) David Bergman was born. He was born Good, and he Loves the Outdoors.

This time, Noah had the presence of mind to call a babysitter while he and Zelda went to the hospital.

Welcome to the world, David!

And that ends Noah and Zelda's week. Next up: Doris!

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