Friday, January 7, 2011

Marion and Candy: Together and Apart

When I switched over, Marion and Candy were at the pool. I like this shot because it sort of makes them seem completely different: Marion cautiously stepping down, Candy cannon-balling it.

They swam around and splashed each other a few times, and then decided to have a "Hold Your Breath" contest.

Candy won.

After that, they headed their separate ways. Marion, a natural cook, had a burning desire (hee!) to learn more about the cooking skill, so she headed off to the bookstore to grab some new recipes and a more advanced cookbook. Candy went to the science facility for reasons I can't recall.

As a bookworm, Marion is also interested in writing, so she went to the Doo Peas Corporate Tower to take a writing class. Then she jogged home because, apparently, she also wants to be athletic.

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