Sunday, February 20, 2011

The End

Candy and Marion were still living together. Candy's boyfriend, Malcolm Landgraab, was also living there. I checked the relationships of the household, and Candy and Marion were still romantically interested in each other, with a high relationship bar. Candy is apparently bi, since she loves Marion but is officially going out with Malcolm, while Marion appears to be completely lesbian. She has another romantic interest too - a woman named Sadie. So...was Marion okay with Malcolm and Candy's relationship? I had Candy and Malcolm kiss in front of Marion to find out.

And no, no she wasn't fine with it. Apparently, she didn't know that Candy and Malcolm were dating.

Sim Marion is either really stupid or really naive. Anyway, she consoled herself with computer games while Candy and Malcolm had a quickie wedding to fulfill some wishes. (P.S. Malcolm read about Noah's passing in the newspaper!)

The next night Marion, to get away from the lovey-dovey couple, went to Doo Peas Corporate Tower to record a commercial.

When she got home she died.

Candy, unhappy that Marion had died when they were upset with each other, went to the graveyard, hoping to see Marion's ghost. Marion wasn't there, and Candy left very disappointed and broken-hearted.

Marion's urn was on the computer desk, which seemed a little creepy, so I had Malcolm place her grave in the cemetery.

The next night, Candy went out to do the same commercial, and when she was done? I think the corporate types that work there have some sort of pact with Death.

"Phew! All this reaping is really cutting into my reading!"

Malcolm rescued Candy's grave from the sidewalk and buried her near Marion.

And that is officially the end of this game. All of the original Sullivan Sims have passed on. Some of them left behind offspring, some didn't. Most of them fulfilled their lifetime wishes. It was a good long run.

Doris is still alive, because she was never really part of the Sullivan Sim universe even though I included her on the blog. I don't know if I'll start a new game (I'd definitely like to give some of the other Sims another go.), or if I'll start a new blog. We'll see.

Until then, adios!

Peter Passes On

Peter was still mourning Pauline when I switched to his house. He was still employed as a Pop Icon, but I decided to have him retire. He received 200 Simoleons a day as pension. He took his guitar to the park to play, and ended up making some money.

Since Peter was likely in his last days, I let him do and buy whatever we wanted. This included a dart board...

and a hot tub.

He just sort of went about his business, because I knew he was going to die soon.

Here, he reads the paper and finds out about the deaths of Holly Kim and Joseph Kelly. (Joann died some time ago, but not being friends with any of the Sullivan Sims, I wasn't notified of her death.)

He tries out a new recipe: ratatouille.

He goes to a party at his friend Kain's house.

He watches Emma Hatch die.

He watches Tara Steel (nee Hall) die, while he tries to talk to her.

And finally, while talking to a would-be friend at the library, he dies himself.

There are two ways to meet Death: you can either nod and shake his hand, or beg to stay. Unless you have a Death Flower, he's not going to let you stay.

Peter tried anyway.

When Peter was safely ensconced in his urn, Death grabbed a book and sat down to read. A lot of people have been dying in Sunset Valley recently, so I bet the poor guy is tired, what with all the running around and reaping people.

I watched the other patrons in the library mourn Peter until the game kicked me out and told me to choose a new household.

But we are not done yet!

The Circle of Life

Okay, so we're nearing the end of this game. I've talked about starting over, but focusing on one Sim at a time, and not worrying about having all of the Sullivan teachers in the game at once. Here's why: on the last day of the Kellys' game, I got notice of two deaths: Pauline Strutt and Tegan Cho. Pauline's death is especially frustrating because, dammit, I wanted to see if she had cheated on Peter! Now we'll never know.

Also, some of the Sims (Tara and Peter, specifically) drew the short straw. I just couldn't really divide my attention equally, so when I start up another game, I will only be focusing on making that family's life as awesome as possible.

To move on with the story:

Elizabeth is clearly pregnant. Yay!

On Wednesday, Erin started to glow, and bells started to toll.

Rest in peace, Erin.