Sunday, February 20, 2011

Hot Tub!

Heads-up: I sped up the game because now everybody's old and the game is basically over, but they're not dead yet so, y'know. Ophelia aged into an adult and decided she wanted to be a World-Renowned Surgeon. She got a job at the hospital as an organ donor.

Erin and Joseph wanted to buy a hot tub, and since they're not long for this world and have lots of dough, I got them the nicest hot tub available.

Those randy seniors lost no time in "christening" their latest acquisition.

Here's Olivia in her Latrine Cleaner outfit.

The medical career, as you might remember from Tara, places a lot of emphasis on logic, but the chessboard is outside and Ophelia hates being outside, so she plays chess on the computer.

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