Tuesday, February 15, 2011

In Real Life and Virtual Reality, Tegan and Tara Always Find Darts

Tegan collected a lot of jewels while she was being burned and electrocuted in the pyramid. She decided to display them on her coffee table. Don't they look lovely?

Tegan got restless while Youngbum was at work, so she headed out. She went to her old hangout The Grind, where she impressed a certain celebrity with her mad Atheltic skillz.

At home alone, Youngbum did a solitary dance to the radio.

The next night they went out together. They ended up at the hotspot of the night, Waylon's Haunt.

"Hi, Tara! What do you think of the military budget?"

Youngbum was determined to earn money, dammit!

"Darts? Why, I'd love to!"

The next day, Tegan retired from her job. She'll get a daily retirement pension of 400 Simoleons.

Sims need retirement parties. This whole lone confetti/clapping thing is lame!

That night Tegan legitimately got into the celebrity lounge and started chatting with Joseph Kelly.

And then bam! It was 12:00am on Wednesday night. Time to jump over to...

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