Tuesday, February 15, 2011

In Which Lots of Stuff Happened but I Didn't Document it All 'Cause You've Seen it All Before

Tara was invited to a party at Erin's house, so she went, and we got a glimpse of old fat Erin, and the rest of the usual suspects.

I think I will probably actually look like this when I'm old, except shorter.

Spot the Sullivan Sims!

The next day, while cleaning her grimy kitchen counter, Tara changed into her maternity clothes. Yay!

Two days later, it was off to the hospital, and baby Theresa was born. (This is where I would have taken pictures of Tara's labor pains, but you've seen that all before.)

Look! Joann and Holly!

With a new baby, the Steels' house was too small. They moved out and found an absolutely gorgeous house with its own lake.

The nursery was decorated and outfitted in due course, and Tara got to play with her baby.

Christopher and Tara take turns taking care of Theresa, and one night Tara headed out on the town. She bribed the bouncer to let her in.

And she ran into a familiar, if rather older, face.

It's Elder Noah! We can see that his taste in formal clothing has not changed. Nice Chinese outfit!

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