Monday, February 7, 2011

The Loneliest Birthday Ever

Doris, now a Sous-Chef, needed new recipes, so she headed to the bookstore and bought recipes for Eggs Machiavellian and something else I can't remember. She picked up the recipe and sat outside the bookstore to read it.

The next day was Doris's birthday. She had to work that afternoon, so she had a party early in the day. Sadly enough, none of her friends were available to celebrate with her. She bought a cake, placed it on her tiny dining room table, and lit the candles.

She thought long and hard about her wish for the next stage of her life while the TV chef chattered away behind her.

She took a deep breath and blew.

"Whoo! Happy Birthday to me!"

Doris is now an Adult.

She helped herself to a piece of cake, put the rest in the refrigerator, and then sat down to watch TV for the duration of her birthday until it was time for work.

I would end this with "Poor Doris" but she seemed fairly content so I guess she was happy.

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