Monday, February 7, 2011

David's First Kiss, Among Other Things

Zelda is still determined to make everything in her house self-cleaning so she can stop paying the maid 150 Simoleons a day, especially when half the time the maid just sits at the island and eats ice cream.

Apparently Noah and Zelda are awful at motivating their kids to do their schoolwork, because both David and Helena were C students when I got here. Not anymore!

Now they're both up to B student status and on their ways to the honor roll! When teens don't do well in school, they run the chance of getting an undesirable trait when they grow up. David, for instance, is a technophobe. I guess maybe that's not technically undesirable, but it's not a trait I would usually choose.

Noah wanted to play the piano in the park, but for some reason he can't carry the piano in his inventory. He can carry a CAR well enough, so why not a piano? Oh, well. I went into Edit Town mode and added some instruments to Central Park. Noah went and started jamming on the piano.

Meanwhile, Zelda managed to clog up the toilet but good.


Helena wants to be an illustrious author when she grows up, so she spends a lot of time writing. She's already published her first book! David likes to paint. He hasn't chosen a Lifetime Wish yet.

I think I mentioned before that David is romantically interested in Elizabeth Kelly. On Sunday he invited her over to hang out. This is weird for me because David looks so much like Noah and Elizabeth looks so much like Erin. Weeeeeeeiiiiird.

Meant to Be

After some flirting, David finally plucked up the courage to kiss Elizabeth. She was cutely surprised.

He asked her to go steady.

And then they danced to the music of Noah's electric guitar, despite David's discomfort with anything powered by electricity.

Zelda and Noah are now remembering things they used to enjoy. Zelda suddenly got a hankering to garden, and headed outside to find her poor plants either dead or wilting. She disposed of all the dead plants and gently nurtured the others back to health.

Meanwhile, Noah, who has been getting a little soft around the middle, started working out. This does not please his Couch Potato self, but tough.

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