Sunday, November 14, 2010

Everybody's Gettin' Some! (Almost) Part 1

I'm trying to go in chronological order, but today's game lasted nearly two Sim weeks, so I can't remember exactly when everything happened, or when people got promoted. I guess I'll just lead up to where we are now in the game.

Noah is still dating Zelda. He invited her over one day before work in order to further woo her and keep the romance alive. When he took out his guitar to serenade her, a glitch made the guitar meld to his body. Awesome.
But he figured it out in the end.
Unfortunately, I didn't get a shot of her swooning when he put the guitar away.

Romance was blooming for others, too. After a few days of getting used to Tegan's overtures, Youngbum was finally ready to admit his feelings to her. He told her that he found her attractive, kissed her, and asked her to be his girlfriend. She agreed.
Too bad he was in his ratty fan clothes at the time.

Tegan then celebrated her new relationship with a relaxing session of video games while Erin and Tara did some reading. Tara, at this point a Resident at the hospital, was reading medical journals to boost her work performance. Erin was reading about zombies.
"Will you just die, you stupid monster!?!?"

I wanted Tara and Peter to find someone too, so I sent Tara off to the gym to see what she could find. There were tons of people there, but everybody was either too young or too old.

Still, she managed to have a good time. She took a dip in the pool and had a breath-holding contest with a guy named Simis Bachelor, who was there with his son.

From there, in her quest for booty, she headed to the park. She met a nice, if somewhat unfortunately attired, young man who introduced himself as Xavier.
She felt good about the new acquaintance until she found out that he was a criminal. Specifically, a cutpurse. A little discouraged, Tara headed home to sleep before her shift.

The day ended well for others, though. Tegan and Youngbum sneaked into Erin and Joe's bedroom - the only one with a double bed, remember - for a little fun.
Finally! (Also? Ew. Erin and Joe have to sleep in that bed.)

Oh, and guys? I know nobody asked me to do this and it is fun and all...but it would be good for my self-esteem if the people who read this could occasionally comment. Real Noah asked a question once and I answered it person...but from now on I promise to answer questions here.

1 comment:

  1. wait a I live under the porch? and why am I not getting some? lol
    (that would be Corey) lol
