Saturday, November 27, 2010

Patching Things Up and Another Wish Fulfilled

After the Noah/Zelda/Tara fiasco, Tara at first really wanted to make up with Peter. At the first opportunity, she cornered him and apologized. I'm not sure what she needed to apologize for, but Peter graciously accepted her apology.

But while he had forgiven her, they still didn't like each other. Their relationship bars are almost totally red, and anytime they try to have a conversation, one speaks while the other yawns. I'm not sure the relationship can be repaired, so I've kind of stopped trying to make it happen.

Meanwhile, Joe came home from work one day in this:

Yes, Joe has fulfilled his lifetime wish to be Leader of the Free World.
Hail to the Chief! Have you ever seen a gayer-looking uniform?

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