First up: Tegan. Tegan is a Slob, a Party Animal, a Schmoozer, Ambitious, and Friendly. She constantly wants to make friends, have a party, or get a promotion at work. She currently works at the Doo Peas Corporate Tower, where she is a Coffee Courier. Her lifetime wish is to be the CEO of a mega-corporation, so she has a long way to go!

Next: Peter. Peter is Good, a Virtuoso, a Hopeless Romantic, a Snob, and Friendly. He loves making friends, and plays his guitar whenever he has a free second. He currently works at the Wilsonoff Community Theater as a Fan. His lifetime wish is to have Golden Tongue, Golden Fingers, which means that he wants to master the Charisma and Guitar skills. Good luck!

Moving on: Erin. Erin is Over-Emotional, Absent-Minded, a Virtuoso, a Bookworm, and Friendly. She likes reading a lot and gets really happy, sad, or angry over little things. She works at home writing books on her computer because she hopes one day to be a Professional Author. Her current work, Blatant Lies, is going well.

Now meet: Noah. Noah Loves the Outdoors and is a Couch Potato, a Virtuoso, a Bookworm, and a Snob. He, like Peter, spends a lot of time playing his guitar - often at the same time as Peter, both playing different songs. It's enough to drive some of their housemates crazy. Noah works with Peter at the Wilsonoff Community Theater. His lifetime wish is to become a Hit Movie Composer, but right now he's stuck as a Fan.
Put your hands together for: Tara. Tara is Over-Emotional, Ambitious, Friendly, a Perfectionist, and a Vegetarian. She is determined to become a World-Renowned Surgeon, so she spends a lot of time playing chess to improve her Logic skills, sometimes by herself and sometimes with others. Currently she works at Sacred Spleen Hospital as an Organ Donor.
And finally: Joe. Joe has a Good Sense of Humor, Loves the Outdoors, is Charismatic, Friendly, and a Virtuoso. He loves making friends, but there is an ulterior motive to his chatting you up: he wants to be Leader of the Free World, and will depend on your votes! Right now he is a lowly Podium Polisher at City Hall, but someday he'll break through, just wait and see. He is Erin's boyfriend, but they've never had to share living quarters this crowded before.
Follow the adventures of the Sullivan Sims. Will they remain friends or hate each other forever?
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