Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tegan's Day

Today was Saturday, Tegan's day off from being a Corporate Drone. She slept in pretty late, and then helped herself to the apple pancakes that Erin managed not to burn. Remember that Tegan is a Slob? Just look at those table manners.
"Om nom nom!"

After breakfast Tegan decided she was tired of her current ensemble and went to the wardrobe to choose a new one. Here's what she ended up with (with my help, of course.)

Remembering her need to always party - that's the life of a Party Animal, after all - Tegan called up her boss and co-workers and set up a little get-together at the Old Pier Beach, swimsuits required!

The party was a modest success, since she forgot to bring food and music. But they talked and laughed and had juice from the bar, so it went well. Apparently Tegan didn't realize until this party that her coworker Thorton Wolff (the younger, thinner one) was so good-looking. She decided she wanted to kiss him. He left before she got a chance.

One by one her friends wandered off, until Tegan was alone on the beach at sunset.

A few minutes later, she noticed that someone else was there taking in the sunset too, and started talking to him. His name was Christopher Steel, but before she could get a good conversation going, he ran off home. Something about being hungry and tired, the baby.
"So, what do you do?" (Answer: nothing.)

Tegan headed home, fixed herself a salad, and went to sleep, where she dreamed of fishing and getting a promotion.

P.S. I know this was Tegan's post, but of course the other Sims were doing stuff throughout the day too. I thought this was cute: Noah went out after work to play his guitar in some random alley - why does he do that? - and ended up gathering a little fan club.
"Isn't he just adorable? If I were thirty years younger..."

But stunning blonde Zelda Mae isn't ready for the retirement home yet, so Noah decided to chat her up.
(I love this picture because it looks like he's staring at her boobs while she thinks about llamas. Also, check out the sexy Stagehand overalls he's sporting.)

I will no longer make promises for next time because obviously I end up breaking them.

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