Before I get to their social and romantic lives, let's find out what's happened in their work lives. Erin has written a third hit and is currently working on her fourth book: a biography about a local Sim who pretty much insisted on it. Peter and Noah have both been promoted to Band Manager and don't have to wear overalls with wrenches on them anymore. Joe has been promoted to some important-sounding job or other (I'll update it when I find out but I can't remember now.), Tegan is a Division Manager, and Tara is a Medical Intern.
Of all the Sims to play, Tara is the most difficult, not least because now she is on call some nights. She works the longest hours, I think, and then sometimes doesn't have time to relax or anything before she gets called back. She's friendly, so she wants to make friends, but she honestly doesn't have the time.
Related to that, I'm thinking about lengthening the lives of the Sims again because I really want all the Sims to have as full a life as possible and right now that's not happening.
On with the story!
Sim Tara has new hair. She still looks less like Real Tara than any of the others, but the hair is an improvement, I think.
Sim Tegan was determined to get laid at some point. After an ill-fated trip to the swimming pool where she got stuck in limbo and I had to exit the game without saving and then start the day over, she headed to the gym to look for guys.
"Break it down!"
She ended up dancing to the stereo while I kept an eye on the arrivals. Her friend from the beach, Christopher Steel, showed up, and she hurried off to corner him in the bathroom. They flirted for a while until Christopher, after warning Tegan that he had come into the bathroom for a reason, wet himself. Tegan was disgusted and started insulting him, then implied that his mother was a llama.
Poor Chris - nothing more humiliating than being insulted in a bathroom while standing in a puddle of your own urine.
While Tegan was emasculating people at the gym, things were going quite well for the other Sims. Noah, after dropping off a band registration at City Hall, decided this was the perfect place to make some extra cash.
Hey! Guess who that lady in the back is? It's Joann! Hi, Joann! (I made Joann earlier at Real Joe's request but she surprisingly didn't add much so she moved out and got her own place.)
Erin and Joe finally got to spend some quality time together.
Peter seems completely unconcerned.
And Noah? Noah had the best night of everyone. Remember that cute blonde he chatted up in the back alley? He met her again at the diner, where he went for dinner. She turned out to be his boss, which I didn't know before. That didn't stop Noah from making some moves in front of one of his coworkers, some old people, and a police officer.
This is called an "amorous hug."
They shared their first kiss, and then Noah asked her to be his girlfriend. She said yes!
Noah and Zelda sitting in a tree...
So at least someone got some action last night!
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